Frequently Misrepresented Facts About CNG Conversions
As I was introduced to CNG Conversions last year I was overwhelmed with lies and falsehoods and under whelmed with solid information. Technical Data used in the field explained in oil and gas courses in Rawalpindi. Like everyone else as I searched the internet for information about CNG Conversions I kept coming up with a blank. What I did find out though is that as I asked my peers almost everyone had an opinion about CNG Conversions. As I found out later most of these opinions were false and unfounded. Those with the strongest opinions (which usually turned out to be rumors and innuendo) usually had something to gain by spreading them. I am compiling this list to dispel some of their misconceptions, now over a year later the real truth about CNG Conversions is finally coming out into the open.
This is a false statement, natural gas is less volatile, and the CNG tanks are bullet proof and safety tested. The CNG vehicle safety record is second to none. If gasoline vehicles were a new technology, they would never make it to the road, gasoline vehicles are burning up all the time. Some more details of oil and gas courses in Rawalpindi are as under.
CNG Vehicles always run cleaner than gasoline. False, CNG can run cleaner than gasoline but it all depends on the tuning. Many "OEM" (original equipment manufacturer) CNG conversions may out started out running clean, but over time may go out of tune, all vehicles need retuning from time to time.
A CNG Conversion that is EPA Certified will always be clean and safe. False, An EPA Certification may start out clean but whether it is safe is the responsibility of the installer. The EPA Certification is to assure that the system will continue to burn clean throughout the "useful life" of the vehicle A little known fact is that since most all of the older CNG Vehicles on the road today are EPA Certified. As these vehicles age they may develops leaks and runs dirtier, the older EPA Certified vehicles on the road today may be the dirtiest and the most prone to leaks. Actually non EPA conversions since they are more readily tunable may be cleaner as they age. TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad for Pakistani Students who wants to join oil and gas courses in Islamabad.