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Other Flow-Control Devices

petroleum courses in Rawalpindi.

Most of the flow control functions are described in this chapter in Sections on Wellheads and closing systems Safety and chapters. 11 to 16. Some valves and controls are discussed in chapters. 4 (Packers production) and 5 (Gasfeder). Other flow control devices are discussed in the following. Technical Data used in the field explained in petroleum courses in Rawalpindi.

they do not obstruct the flow through the tube ein. Sidepocket- mandrel valves can be removed by fixed line for the repair of the Boards, which are subject to damage when you first open the flow path. Sliding sleeve valves can be equipped with landing nipple profiles for insulation with a locking mandrel fixed in case of seal failure. The sliding sleeve valves can be incorporated into the nipples for Safety valve to isolate the control line when the safety valve is removed. Some more details of petroleum courses in rawalpindi are as under

The tube must be connected to prevent flow or loss of control when the shaft and / or master valve is to be removed. The plugs are available for landing nipples in the wellhead and nipples in the pipe string. tube caps are set and retrieved using the methods fixed line. The chemical injection valves Some wells require frequent or continuous injection of small amounts of chemicals, such as methanol, for freeze protection or as inhibitors to corrosion Steuer products. The chemicals can be injected through a tube ein small diameter parallel through the annulus or tube ein / casing. injection valves chemicals can be installed on a circulator to better control the injection speed and to provide protection against backflow. Safety valves input (ISV) Injection wells may be protected by security closure systems discussed in this chapter. The ISV is a safety valve low cost that can be used for wells where only Heu flow down into the Pit. It is basically a holding valve mounted on a mandrel fixed telephony recoverable located in a landing nipple. The upflow valve closes. Aspects wellhead corrosion Corrosion ein often defined as the destruction of a Metall by reactions with its surroundings. The attack may be internal or external and can result from chemical or electrochemical action. internal attack is usually a result of corrosion weight loss ( "Sweet Corrosion") caused by the presence of organic acids CO * and either sulfur or cracking chloride stress corrosion ( "Corrosion ACIDA") caused by the presence of HzS. chlorides, or combination of these elements. external attack is generally "Corrosion oxygen" caused by exposure to atmospheric oxygen, electrochemical Corrosion "caused by the flow of electrical currents or a combination of the two. One or more methods may be employed to control corrosion in equipment wellhead, depending on the type of corrosion present and the costs of processes: (1) the use of special corrosion resistant alloys, (2) injection an effective inhibitor, (3) the implementation of effective coatings, and / or (4) properly implemented and maintained cathodic protection. Although a detailed discussion of the Corrosion is is not the purpose of this section, it is necessary to briefly describe the various types of corrosion found in wellhead equipment to explain the various methods Kontrolle. internal and external corrosion Sohn controlled differently and are treated separately. TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad for Pakistani Students who wants to join oil field after petroleum courses in Rawalpindi.

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