Independent Screwed Wellhead
This section housing and pipe heads compounds Waist Other Than Bridas API orclamps in l, pressures and labor OOo will have 2000 psi. This Team A typical arrangement is the head of the lower casing are equipped with ground thread UN, which is screwed onto the tube surface. Technical Data used in the field explained in petroleum courses in rawalpindi.
Usually, the top of the head of this housing equipped with an external thread UN obtained threaded cap used packaging UN compress seal making and keep the following guidelines. The sewing machine can also be a ring groove API and screw holes for standard-setting the balance of payments to give today as all A flange is used. Some more details of petroleum courses in rawalpindi are as under The suspension of the case: Segments Housing Hanger sliding portion type with a capacity of less than s housing API Wrap Around Hangers. Slurry can be supplied through the BOP to give the entire housing today, but the label should be placed around the exposed platform after the cut has been made. Head of housing intermediate: Intermediate housing de este class heads identical with child inferior hundred heads of the housing. Yes USING A suspended chain casing generally in Head-Box with lower thread UN positioned below to enable easy installation Head-shell intermediate directly above the head-box. If the corresponding area is not feasible, can the intermediate casing cut a few inches above the lower casing head and nozzle type socket with thread UN welded to the upper middle frame. Then head intermediate housing Connect can thread. A thread on the head pipe production warp upper to give all today and seal the tubing. The tube can be sealed with a set of grippers and the UN seal member supported with pressure fraud A cap on top of the tube head screwed. Maximum capacity hanger type SLIDING author is 125,000 pesos over Ibm pipe. use a mandrel or donut tube support today all tube to give, if desired. Maximum capacity support weights esta type hanger only on the strength of support weight of the tube head is limited. Connect the BOP is capable of conducting a clutch for protection during the execution of the pipeline pipe flange. A rubber separator can also pipe in or out of the hole under pressure, be used if necessary to remove. Yes UN can rubber separators are mounted in the container tube head and a separate container for storage of the film or mandrel heads to the head pipe are placed hanger.Casing in all standard sizes with printing available arch work of 1000 psi and less. Tubmg heads are at pressures of 1000 to 2000 psi available. Both devices are generally equipped with two 2-yn. Outlets ALTHOUGH Linepipe 3-in. Outlets are available. TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad for Pakistani Students who wants to join petroleum courses in rawalpindi.