Crank Balanced Units
Some crank balanced units are manufactured with the gear reducer shifted from a position directly underneath the equalizer to a position on the structural base farther away from the centerline of the well. This change from the conventional geometry causes a change in the torque factors on the upstrokes and down strokes. Technical Data used in the field explained in petroleum courses in Rawalpindi. This geometric change also causes a change in the time interval between the up and down strokes. These type units usually have the out-of-phase system of counterbalance described previously and usually require a specific direction of rotation.
The main parts of a pumping unit consist of structural members, bearings, speed reducer, and drive. Since the crank balanced pumping unit consists of parts typical for most units, the discussion is limited to this type. Some more details of petroleum courses in Rawalpindi are as under.
The main structural parts of a crank balanced pumping unit are the base, Samson post, walking beam, horsehead, equalizer, and pitman side members. The structural base serves as a rigid member to which the Samson post, gear reducer, and prime mover are attached for the proper alignment to effect satisfactory operation.
On the other end of the walking beam are the equalizer and pitman side members. The rotary motion of the cranks attached to the speed reducer slow speed shaft is transferred to the walking beam by the equalizer and the pitman side members. The equalizer usually is mounted on the beam in such a manner that it can move and compensate for some misalignment in manufacturing and erection tolerances. Loading on the pitman side members is tension on conventional crank balanced units, compression on Mark II units, and alternating tension and compression on air balanced units. TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad for Pakistani Students who wants to join oil field after petroleum courses in Islamabad.