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Hydrocarbon Stabilization

petroleum courses in Islamabad

The previous discussion covers the processes by which a maximum removal of quantifiable hydrocarbons from the gaseous phase of the well stream is accomplished to satisfy gas pipeline specifications and derive additional revenue from the liquid hydrocarbons. Technical Data used in the field explained in petroleum courses in Islamabad. Unless the liquid hydrocarbons are handled properly after separation from the main gas stream, the maximum revenue will not be derived. The maximum is obtained by retaining the maximum volume of separated hydrocarbon liquids in atmospheric storage and salvaging or recovering the maximum amount of light vapors that flash from the separated liquids.

If a liquid is to be stored at atmospheric pressure without vaporization losses, it must have a vapor pressure no greater than the existing atmospheric pressure at the maximum temperature it will reach in the storage tank. The vapor pressure exerted by the liquid is called its “true vapor pressure.” Measuring the true vapor pressure of a liquid is difficult. For this reason a standard vapor pressure, called the “Reid vapor pressure” (RVP) is much more frequently determined for the liquid. The RVP is determined by using a standard ASTM technique in a 100°F controlled-temperature bath. By sampling the liquid hydrocarbon product, the actual RVP of the liquid being produced can be determined. Some more details of petroleum courses in Islamabad are as under.

A correlation for approximating the true vapor pressure of a liquid for which the RVP has been determined. Because vapor pressure is composition dependent Fig. 14.14 should be considered an approximation only. If the maximum storage temperature were expected to be 6O”F, Fig. 14.14 shows that approximately a 29-psi RVP product could be stored. If the maximum storage temperature were , the maximum RVP for the product would be approximately 14 psi.

When the hydrocarbon liquids are dumped from the high-pressure separator, the liquids are at their boiling point for the pressures involved. Each reduction in pressure causes some vapors to be boiled off. If the liquids were dumped directly to a storage tank, violent boiling would take place, resulting in a loss of not only the lighter vapors but also some of the heavier ends. TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad for Pakistani Students who wants to join petroleum courses in Rawalpindi.

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