Gas-Treating Systems for Removal of Water Vapor, Cot, and H2S
Natural gas can contain any number of no hydrocarbon impurities in the formation or at wellhead conditions. Some of these are detrimental to efficient pipeline operation, whereas others have no effect on operation but do affect the heat content or Btu rating of the natural gas. Technical Data used in the field explained in petroleum courses in Islamabad.
In almost every case natural gas contains water vapor to some extent. The characteristics of the rock in the formation will determine largely the extent to which water occurs. In some cases the gas is supersaturated, which means that free water will be present. In other cases the gas is saturated at reservoir conditions, which would mean that at producing conditions it will be supersaturated. Finally, the water content can be much lower than saturation but higher than specifications to be satisfied for pipeline acceptance. Some more details of petroleum courses in Islamabad are as under.
The formation of free water with pressure and/or temperature reduction can result in the formation of hydrates if the temperature falls below the hydrate-forming temperature. This phenomenon is discussed more fully in the preceding section. In addition to the problems of hydrates, the formation of free water because of condensation can add to the horsepower requirements for pipelines because of increased pressure drops caused when water collects in low spots in the line and reduces the flow area of the gas. This condition is also conducive to corrosion in the pipe. Water vapors must be removed from the gas, and various methods used for this removal are discussed in the following.
Sour gas is the name commonly given to natural gas containing HIS. This HIS is found in concentrations varying from a trace on up to 30 mol% . The presence of H 1 S causes severe corrosion to occur when free water is present in natural-gas pipelines. When burned it forms sulfur dioxide, which is very toxic and can be a serious problem on the marketing end of the pipeline. Various methods for removal of H2S are discussed in the following. TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad for Pakistani Students who wants to join petroleum courses in Rawalpindi.