Removal of Acid Gases
The presence of acid gases, H2 S and/or C02, in natural gas is undesirable from many standpoints. Technical Data used in the field explained in petroleum courses in Islamabad. Perhaps the principal objection is the corrosion that results when free water is present. For this reason the H 2s and CO1 normally are removed at the wellhead or relatively close to it. There are a number of systems that can be used for removal of acid gases.
Sweetening by Ethanolamines. Perhaps the most widely used type of acid-gas-removal system involves the use of an ethanolamine. A simplified flow diagram of a typical ethanolamine-type desulfurization unit is In this process a solution of water and ethanolamine that may vary from about 15 to 60 wt% ethanolamine is used for removing HzS and CO? from the incoming gas stream. The process is based on the principle that the acid gases, HzS and CO2, will react with the ethanolamine at ordinary temperatures. The reaction can be reversed by reducing the pressure and heating the solution. The sour gas passes up through the contactor and the lean ethanolamine solution passes downward. The foul solution is discharged from the bottom of the contactor and flows through a heat exchanger before it discharges into the top of the still or regenerator column. The ethanolamine solution is boiled by application of heat in the rebuilder This boiling action supplies vapors, primarily steam, that pass up through the still column sweeping the H2S and CO;? from the ethanolamine solution. Some more details of petroleum courses in Islamabad are as under.
The regenerated ethanolamine leaves the recoiled and passes through the amine-to-amine heat exchanger into a storage tank from which it is recalculated to the contactor with the amine pump. The H2 S and CO? leaving the top of the still column have a large volume of steam with them. To keep down the quantity of makeup water required and to minimize ethanolamine losses the overhead product usually is cooled. The water condensed in this cooling is returned to the regenerator as reflux. TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad for Pakistani Students who wants to join petroleum courses in Rawalpindi.