Tracking Projects
The Tracking feature enables you to access, display, and manipulate summarized or live project data in a variety of formats to perform schedule, cost, and resource analyses. This chapter describes how to create and maintain tracking layouts. You will also learn how to customize the format and level of information that each tracking layout displays. Training about the project l Data used in the field explained in primavera p6 training in Islamabad.
Creating Tracking Layouts:
The Tracking window is divided into two or more panes, depending on the type of layout displayed. The upper left pane, or Project Explorer window, shows the enterprise project structure (EPS) and contains information about the available projects. The upper right pane, or Top Layout window, always displays the current layout and layout options. Depending on the type of layout you open, the left and right panes may be split horizontally to display additional panes on the lower half of the window. These include the Resource Explorer window on the lower left and the Bottom Layout window on the lower right. Some more details about this field primavera p6 training in Islamabad are as under.
Tracking layouts display summarized data when you select closed projects in the Project Explorer window and when you choose to open only global data when you first start the module. (Summarized data are available when projects have been summarized in the module.) If you select open projects in the Project Explorer window, tracking layouts display live data. You can change this setting to display summarized data by choosing one of the closed projects options in the Resource Analysis tab of the User Preferences dialog box (Edit, User Preferences).
View project details:
Right-click a project in the Project Explorer window and choose Project Details to review additional information about the project. For example, the Summary tab displays the date the summarizer was last run for the selected project. This will give you an idea of how current your summary data is.
Tracking layout types
You can create four types of tracking layouts:
â– Project Tables display project data in a table format. (Top Layout window only).
â– Project Bar Charts display project data in a horizontal Bar Chart format. (Top Layout window only).
â– Project Gantt/Profiles display project information in columns and Gantt Chart format (in the Top Layout window) and time-distributed project data in either spreadsheet or profile format (in the Bottom Layout window).
â– Resource Analysis layouts display resource/project usage information in columns and Gantt Chart format (in the Top Layout window) and time-distributed total resource allocation data in either spreadsheet or profile format (in the Bottom Layout window).
All tracking layouts enable you to survey projects—first at a comprehensive level, then at more detailed levels according to EPS, project, work breakdown structure (WBS), organizational breakdown structure (OBS), phase, or specific WBS data elements. You can also use features such as filtering and grouping to customize the format and level of information you want to include in a tracking layout. TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad who wants to join primavera p6 training in Islamabad.